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Noise Abatement Ordinance

Art. 39 Point of determination

1 For build­ings, noise ex­pos­ure levels shall be de­term­ined at the centre of open win­dows in rooms sens­it­ive to noise. Noise ex­pos­ure levels due to air­craft may also be de­term­ined in the vi­cin­ity of the build­ing.40

2 In the non-de­veloped sec­tor of zones with high­er noise abate­ment re­quire­ments, noise ex­pos­ure levels shall be meas­ured 1.5 m above the ground.

3 In build­ing zones that have not yet been de­veloped, noise ex­pos­ure levels shall be meas­ured at points where the build­ing and plan­ning le­gis­la­tion al­lows the build­ing of rooms sens­it­ive to noise.

40 The cor­rec­tion of 7 May 2019 con­cerns the French text only (AS 2019 1337).