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Federal Act
on Agriculture
(Agriculture Act, AgricA)

of 29 April 1998 (Status as of 1 July 2023)

Art. 102 Ban on change of use and parcellation

1 Prop­er­ties, works and in­stall­a­tions, and ag­ri­cul­tur­al build­ings that have been im­proved through fed­er­al sub­sidies may not be used for any oth­er pur­pose dur­ing a 20-year peri­od after the last pay­ment of the fed­er­al sub­sidy; moreover, land that has been in­cluded in a re­ap­por­tion­ment may not be split up in­to smal­ler prop­er­ties.

2 Any per­son who breaches this ban on change of use or par­cel­la­tion must re­pay the sub­sidy re­ceived from the Con­fed­er­a­tion and re­pair any dam­age that has been done.

3 The can­ton­al au­thor­it­ies may al­low ex­cep­tions to the ban on change of use and par­cel­la­tion if good reas­on can be shown. They de­cide wheth­er the sub­sidies paid out should be re­paid in full or in part or wheth­er re­pay­ment should be waived.