Art. 8 Self-help
1 Producers’ organisations or the corresponding branches are responsible for promoting quality and sales, as well as for ensuring that production and supply are adapted to the demands of the market. 1bis The branch organisations may draw up standard contracts.19 2 A branch organisation is an association of producers of individual products or product groups with processors and, in some cases, with traders. 19 Inserted by No I of the FA of 22 March 2013, in force since 1 Jan. 2014 (AS 2013 34633863; BBl 2012 2075). BGE
128 III 441 () from 21. August 2002
Regeste: Durchgesetzte Marke; Verwechslungsgefahr (Art. 2 lit. a und 3 Abs. 1 MSchG). Nachweis der Durchsetzung als Marke mittels Befragung der massgebenden Verkehrskreise (E. 1). Verwechslungsgefahr zwischen zwei Wort-/Bildmarken mit dem gemeinsamen Wortbestandteil "Appenzeller" (E. 3). |