Federal Act
on Agriculture
(Agriculture Act, AgricA)

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Art. 97a Programme agreements 144

1 The Con­fed­er­a­tion may grant sub­sidies to the can­ton­al au­thor­it­ies as part of pro­gramme agree­ments.

2 The fed­er­al agen­cies in­volved add their ob­lig­a­tions and con­di­tions to the pro­gramme agree­ments.

3 The pro­ced­ure for ap­prov­ing pro­jects to be sub­sidies by pay­ments through pro­gramme agree­ments is sub­ject to can­ton­al le­gis­la­tion.

144 In­ser­ted by No II 29 of the FA of 6 Oct. 2006 on the New Sys­tem of Fisc­al Equal­isa­tion and Di­vi­sion of Tasks between the Con­fed­er­a­tion and the Can­tons, in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 5779; BBl 2005 6029).

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