Federal Act
on Agriculture
(Agriculture Act, AgricA)

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Art. 162 Catalogues of plant varieties

1 The Fed­er­al Coun­cil may stip­u­late that only those in­di­vidu­al vari­et­ies of plants may be im­por­ted in­to Switzer­land, cir­cu­lated, re­cog­nised or used which are re­gistered in a cata­logue of plant vari­et­ies. It shall draw up reg­u­la­tions for in­clu­sion in cata­logues of plant vari­et­ies.

2 It may au­thor­ise the FO­AG to set up cata­logues of plant vari­et­ies.

3 It may ac­cept re­gis­tra­tion in a cata­logue of plant vari­et­ies in an­oth­er coun­try as equi­val­ent to re­gis­tra­tion in a Swiss cata­logue of plant vari­et­ies.

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