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Medical Devices Ordinance

Art. 63

1 For class III devices and for im­plant­able devices, oth­er than cus­tom-made or in­vest­ig­a­tion­al devices, the man­u­fac­turer must draw up a sum­mary of safety and clin­ic­al per­form­ance.

2 The sum­mary of safety and clin­ic­al per­form­ance shall be writ­ten in a way that is clear to the in­ten­ded user and, if rel­ev­ant, to the pa­tient.

3 The min­im­um con­tent of the sum­mary is gov­erned by Art­icle 32, Para­graph 32 EU-MDR101.

4 The draft sum­mary must be sub­mit­ted, to­geth­er with the doc­u­ment­a­tion, to the des­ig­nated body in­volved in the con­form­ity as­sess­ment for val­id­a­tion by that body.102

5 The man­u­fac­turer shall pub­lish the sum­mary after it has been val­id­ated.103

6 The man­u­fac­turer must men­tion on the la­bel or in­struc­tions for use where the sum­mary is avail­able.

101 See the foot­note to Art. 4 para. 1 let. f.

102 Amended by An­nex 5 No 1 of the O of 4 May 2022 on In Vitro Dia­gnost­ic Med­ic­al Devices, in force since 26 May 2022 (AS 2022 291).

103 Amended by No I of the O of 19 May 2021, in force since 26 May 2021 (AS 2021 281).