Medical Devices Ordinance

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Art. 41 Principle

1 Des­ig­na­tion shall be sus­pen­ded, re­stric­ted or re­voked if the des­ig­nated body:

no longer or only partly meets the re­quire­ments; or
fails to carry out cor­rect­ive ac­tions ordered by Swiss­med­ic.

2 Sus­pen­sions shall be im­posed for a max­im­um of twelve months. They may be ex­ten­ded by a max­im­um of a fur­ther twelve months.

3 If des­ig­na­tion is sus­pen­ded, re­stric­ted or re­voked, the des­ig­nated body must in­form all af­fected man­u­fac­tur­ers ac­cord­ingly with­in ten days.

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