Federal Act
on the Protection of Trade Marks and Indications of Source
(Trade Mark Protection Act, TmPA)

of 28 August 1992 (Status as of 1 January 2022)

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Art. 35 Requirements 28

The IPI shall can­cel a trade mark re­gis­tra­tion in whole or in part if:

the pro­pri­et­or re­quests the can­cel­la­tion;
the re­gis­tra­tion has not been re­newed;
the re­gis­tra­tion has been de­clared null and void in a fi­nal court de­cision;
the pro­tec­ted ap­pel­la­tion of ori­gin or the pro­tec­ted geo­graph­ic­al in­dic­a­tion on which the geo­graph­ic­al mark is based is can­celled;
a re­quest for can­cel­la­tion is ap­proved.

28Amended by No I of the FA of 21 June 2013, in force since 1 Jan. 2017 (AS 2015 3631; BBl 2009 8533).

29In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 21 June 2013, in force since 1 Jan. 2017 (AS 2015 3631; BBl 2009 8533).

30In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 21 June 2013, in force since 1 Jan. 2017 (AS 2015 3631; BBl 2009 8533).


139 III 424 (4A_128/2013) from 30. September 2013
Regeste: Art. 11 Abs. 1 und 2 sowie Art. 12 Abs. 1 MSchG; rechtserhaltender Gebrauch der Marke. Beurteilung des erforderlichen Gebrauchs einer Wort-/Bildmarke in einer von der Eintragung nicht wesentlich abweichenden Form (E. 2.1-2.3). Erfordernis des Gebrauchs der Marke im Zusammenhang mit den beanspruchten Waren (E. 2.4).

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