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Federal Act
on the Protection of Trade Marks and Indications of Source
(Trade Mark Protection Act, TmPA)

of 28 August 1992 (Status as of 1 July 2023) [3]

Art. 21 Guarantee marks

1 A guar­an­tee mark is a sign that is used by sev­er­al un­der­tak­ings un­der the su­per­vi­sion of the pro­pri­et­or of the mark and which serves to guar­an­tee the qual­ity, geo­graph­ic­al ori­gin, the meth­od of man­u­fac­ture or oth­er char­ac­ter­ist­ics com­mon to goods or ser­vices of such un­der­tak­ings.

2 A guar­an­tee mark may not be used for goods or ser­vices of the pro­pri­et­or of the mark or of an un­der­tak­ing with which he has close eco­nom­ic ties.

3 In re­turn for equit­able re­mu­ner­a­tion, the pro­pri­et­or of the guar­an­tee mark must al­low any per­son to use it for goods or ser­vices that pos­sess the com­mon char­ac­ter­ist­ics guar­an­teed un­der the reg­u­la­tions gov­ern­ing the use of the mark.