Federal Act on Value Added TaxEnglish is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.1The tax is calculated on the consideration actually received. The consideration includes in particular the reimbursement of all costs, even if they are invoiced separately, and the public law charges payable by the taxable person. Paragraphs 2 and 6 remain reserved. 2For supplies to closely related persons (Art. 3 let. h), the consideration is deemed to be the amount that would be agreed between independent third parties. 3For barter transactions, the market value of each supply is deemed to be the consideration for the other supply. 4For exchange repairs, the consideration covers only the wage for the work carried out. 5For supplies made in lieu of payment, the consideration is deemed to be the amount which is thereby satisfied. 6Not included in the assessment basis are: