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Federal Act on Value Added Tax

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

Art. 28 Principle

1The tax­able per­son may in the course of his busi­ness activ­ity, sub­ject to Art­icles 29 and 33, de­duct the fol­low­ing in­put taxes:

the do­mest­ic tax in­voiced to him;
the ac­quis­i­tion tax de­clared by him (Art. 45–49);
the im­port tax paid or pay­able by him which has been as­sessed un­con­di­tion­ally or has been as­sessed con­di­tion­ally and fallen due as well as the tax de­clared by him for the im­port of goods (Art. 52 and 63).

2If the tax­able per­son has, in the course of a busi­ness activ­ity en­titling him to make an in­put tax de­duc­tion, pro­cured ag­ri­cul­tur­al, forestry or mar­ket garden products, cattle or milk from non-tax­able farm­ers, for­est­ers, garden­ers, cattle deal­ers or milk col­lect­ors, he may de­duct as in­put tax 2.5 per cent of the amount in­voiced.1

3De­duc­tion of the in­put tax un­der para­graph 1 is per­miss­ible if the tax­able per­son proves that he has paid the in­put tax.2

1 Amended by No I of the O of 8 Nov. 2017 on the Tem­por­ary In­crease in VAT Rates to Fin­ance the Ex­pan­sion of the Rail­way In­fra­struc­ture, in force since 1 Jan. 2017 un­til 31 Dec. 2030 at latest (AS 2017 6305).
2 Ori­gin­ally: para. 4. Ori­gin­al ver­sion of para. 3 re­pealed by No I of the FA of 30 Sept. 2016, with ef­fect from 1 Jan. 2018 (AS 2017 3575; BBl 2015 2615).