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Federal Act on Value Added Tax

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

Art. 63 Transfer of the tax payment

1Tax­able im­port­ers re­gistered with the FTA as tax­able per­sons that re­port us­ing the ef­fect­ive meth­od may, in­stead of pay­ing the tax pay­able on the im­port of goods to the FCA, de­clare it in their peri­od­ic tax re­turn to the FTA (trans­fer pro­ced­ure), provided they reg­u­larly im­port and ex­port goods and sig­ni­fic­ant in­put tax sur­pluses res­ult.

2If the goods im­por­ted un­der the trans­fer pro­ced­ure are fur­ther pro­cessed or fin­ished on Swiss ter­rit­ory after the im­port, the FTA may au­thor­ise tax­able per­sons to sup­ply the pro­cessed or fin­ished goods to oth­er tax­able per­sons without cal­cu­lat­ing the tax.

3The Fed­er­al Coun­cil stip­u­lates the de­tails of the trans­fer pro­ced­ure.