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Federal Act on Value Added Tax

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

Art. 72 Correction of errors in the return

1If the tax­able per­son dis­cov­ers er­rors in his tax re­turns in the course of draw­ing up his an­nu­al ac­counts, he must cor­rect them at the latest in the re­turn for the re­port­ing peri­od in which the 180th day after the end of the rel­ev­ant busi­ness year falls.

2The tax­able per­son is ob­liged to ret­ro­spect­ively cor­rect re­cog­nised er­rors in re­turns re­lat­ing to past tax peri­ods un­less the tax claims for these tax peri­ods have be­come leg­ally bind­ing or have pre­scribed.

3The ret­ro­spect­ive cor­rec­tions of the re­turns must be no­ti­fied in the form spe­cified by the FTA.

4In the case of sys­tem-based er­rors that are dif­fi­cult to as­cer­tain, the FTA may grant the tax­able per­son fa­cil­it­ies un­der Art­icle 80.