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Federal Act
on Value Added Tax
(Value Added Tax Act, VAT Act)

Art. 83 Objection

1 Rul­ings of the FTA may be con­tested by fil­ing an ob­jec­tion with­in 30 days of no­ti­fic­a­tion.

2 The ob­jec­tion must be filed with the FTA in writ­ing. It must con­tain the pe­ti­tion, the grounds for the ob­jec­tion cit­ing the evid­ence and the sig­na­ture of the ap­pel­lant or of his rep­res­ent­at­ive. The rep­res­ent­at­ive must identi­fy him­self by writ­ten power of at­tor­ney. The evid­ence must be de­scribed in the let­ter of ob­jec­tion and en­closed with it.

3 If the ob­jec­tion does not sat­is­fy these re­quire­ments or if the pe­ti­tion or its grounds lack the ne­ces­sary clar­ity, the FTA shall grant the ob­ject­ing party a short peri­od to re­vise the same. It shall com­bine this ad­di­tion­al peri­od with the warn­ing that if the peri­od ex­pires un­used, a de­cision will be made based on the files or, if the pe­ti­tion, grounds, sig­na­ture or power of at­tor­ney is not provided, that the ob­jec­tion will not be con­sidered.

4 If the ob­jec­tion is raised against a prop­erly jus­ti­fied rul­ing of the FTA, on ap­plic­a­tion or with the con­sent of the ob­ject­ing party it must be for­war­ded as an ap­peal to the Fed­er­al Ad­min­is­trat­ive Court.

5 The ob­jec­tion pro­ced­ure must be con­tin­ued des­pite with­draw­al of the ob­jec­tion if there are in­dic­a­tions that the con­tested rul­ing does not com­ply with the ap­plic­able pro­vi­sions of the law.