Art. 93 Security
1 The FTA may require security for taxes, interest and costs, even if they are not bindingly assessed or due, if:
2 If the taxable person waives exemption from tax liability (Art. 11) or opts for the taxation of supplies exempt without credit (Art. 22), the FTA may demand from the person security pursuant to paragraph 7. 3 The ruling requiring security must cite the legal reason for the security, the amount to be secured and the office that accepts the security; it qualifies as a freezing order in terms of Article 274 DCBA152. There is no right of objection against the ruling requiring security. 4 An appeal may be filed against the ruling before the Federal Administrative Court. 5 Appeals against rulings requiring security do not have suspensive effect. 6 The service of a ruling concerning the tax claim qualifies as the raising of an action under Article 279 DCBA. The period for instituting debt collection procedures begins to run when the ruling concerning the tax claim becomes legally binding. 7 Security must be provided by cash deposit, solvent guarantees, bank guarantees, mortgage certificates, life insurance policies with surrender value, listed Swiss franc bonds issued by Swiss borrowers or cash bonds issued by Swiss banks. BGE
140 II 495 (2C_215/2014) from 10. Oktober 2014
Regeste: Art. 18 Abs. 1, Art. 21 Abs. 2 Ziff. 15 und Art. 22 MWSTG; Art. 39 MWSTV; formelle Anforderungen an die rechtsgültige Option für die Versteuerung der von der Mehrwertsteuer ausgenommenen Leistungen (hier: Turnierbeiträge eines Golfclubs). Das Erfordernis, im Fall der Option im objektiven Sinn die Steuer "offen auszuweisen", ist nicht bloss eine Ordnungs-, sondern eine Gültigkeitsvorschrift (Frage des "Ob"; E. 3.2). Auszuweisen sind Bestand und Höhe der Steuer. Die kombinierte Wissens- und Willenserklärung ist auf der jeweiligen Debitorenrechnung anzubringen (Frage des "Wie"; E. 3.3). Vom "Ausweis" zu unterscheiden ist die "Bekanntgabe", das heisst die Deklaration in der Mehrwertsteuerabrechnung (E. 3.4). |