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Federal Act
on Value Added Tax
(Value Added Tax Act, VAT Act)

Art. 94 Other collateral measures

1 A sur­plus on the tax re­turn in fa­vour of the tax­able per­son may:

be set off against debts from pri­or peri­ods;
be cred­ited for set-off against an­ti­cip­ated amounts pay­able for sub­sequent peri­ods if the tax­able per­son is in ar­rears with the pay­ment of tax or for oth­er reas­ons it ap­pears prob­able that the tax claim is at risk; the amount cred­ited car­ries in­terest from the 61st day after re­ceipt by the FTA of the tax re­turn un­til the date of the set-off at the rate that ap­plies to re­fund in­terest; or
be set off against se­cur­ity re­quired by the FTA.

2 In the case of tax­able per­sons without a dom­i­cile, re­gistered of­fice or per­man­ent es­tab­lish­ment in Switzer­land, the FTA may also re­quire se­cur­ity for an­ti­cip­ated debts un­der Art­icle 93 para­graph 7.

3 If pay­ments are re­peatedly in ar­rears, the FTA may re­quire the tax­able per­son to make monthly or half-monthly ad­vance pay­ments.