Federal Act
on Value Added Tax
(Value Added Tax Act, VAT Act)

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Art. 107 Federal Council

1 The Fed­er­al Coun­cil:

reg­u­lates the re­lief from VAT for be­ne­fi­ciar­ies un­der Art­icle 2 of the Host State Act of 22 June 2007213 who are ex­empt from li­ab­il­ity for tax;
de­term­ines the re­quire­ments that cus­tom­ers who have their dom­i­cile, re­gistered of­fice or per­man­ent es­tab­lish­ment abroad must sat­is­fy in or­der to be eli­gible for a re­fund of tax levied on Swiss ter­rit­ory on sup­plies made to them or on their im­ports that are covered by re­cip­roc­al law of the land in which they have their dom­i­cile, re­gistered of­fice or per­man­ent es­tab­lish­ment; in prin­ciple the same re­quire­ments ap­ply as ex­ist for do­mest­ic tax­able per­sons in re­spect of the in­put tax de­duc­tion;
reg­u­lates the VAT treat­ment of sup­plies to per­sons who are em­ploy­ees and at the same time closely re­lated per­sons; in do­ing so, it shall take ac­count of the treat­ment of such sup­plies in the case of dir­ect fed­er­al tax­a­tion and may spe­cify ex­cep­tions to Art­icle 24 para­graph 2.


3 The Fed­er­al Coun­cil is­sues the im­ple­ment­ing reg­u­la­tions.

213 SR192.12

214 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 30 Sept. 2016, in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (AS 2017 3575; BBl 2015 2615).

215 Re­pealed by No I of the FA of 16 June 2023, with ef­fect from 1 Jan. 2025 (AS 2024 438; BBl 2021 2363).

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