Federal Act
on Value Added Tax
(Value Added Tax Act, VAT Act)

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Art. 108 Federal Department of Finance

The FDF:

defines mar­ket con­form in­terest rates for in­terest on late pay­ment and re­funds and up­dates them peri­od­ic­ally;
de­term­ines the cases in which in­terest on late pay­ment is not im­posed;
stip­u­lates up to what amount neg­li­gible amounts of in­terest on late pay­ment and re­funds will not be im­posed or are not pay­able;
de­term­ines what is deemed to be the amount that is so neg­li­gible that it need not be in­voiced as pro­vi­sion­al tax.

216 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 16 June 2023, in force since 1 Jan. 2025 (AS 2024 438; BBl 2021 2363).

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