Federal Act
on Value Added Tax
(Value Added Tax Act, VAT Act)

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Art. 57 Interest on late payment

1 If the im­port tax debt is not paid on time, in­terest on the late pay­ment is due.

2 The li­ab­il­ity for in­terest on late pay­ment be­gins:

where pay­ment is made via the CSP: on ex­piry of the pay­ment terms gran­ted;
where the tax is levied on the con­sid­er­a­tion un­der Art­icle 54 para­graph 1 let­ter d: on ex­piry of the pay­ment terms gran­ted;
where an im­prop­er re­im­burse­ment of taxes is re­claimed: on the date of re­im­burse­ment;
in all oth­er cases: on the in­cur­rence of the im­port tax debt un­der Art­icle 56.

3 The li­ab­il­ity for in­terest on late pay­ment also con­tin­ues dur­ing ap­peal pro­ceed­ings and in­stal­ment pay­ments.

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