Art. 134 Data categories
(Art. 76a para. 1 and 3 as well as 76d let. b and c VAT Act) The data that the FTA may process under Article 76a paragraph 3 VAT Act are as follows: - a.
- information about the identity of persons: in particular names, legal form, entry in the commercial registry, date of birth or date of foundation, address, place of residence and of business, telecommunication numbers, email address, place of origin, bank account, legal representative, OASI insurance number;
- b.
- information about economic activities: nature of the business activity, turnovers achieved or anticipated, date of registration or deletion, place of the provision of supplies and information about the dispatch, import and export of goods that is required for the imposition of VAT;
- c.
- information about income and financial circumstances: in particular information from business records, operational figures, properties, cash, postal and bank accounts, securities and other moveable valuables, and undistributed inherited assets;
- d.
- information about tax affairs: tax returns;
- e.
- information about debts and claim assignments: period and amount of claim assignments, amount of taxable assigned claims;
- f.
- information about debt enforcement, bankruptcy and attachment proceedings: debt enforcement, bankruptcy, composition and attachment proceedings, judicial and non-judicial acts in relation to the exercise of rights;
- g.
- information about compliance with tax obligations: compliance with obligations to cooperate on tax matters, payment on time of taxes due, accounting obligations, findings made in the course of audits, and information required for ensuring the collection of the taxes due by tax payers and jointly and severally liable persons;
- h.
- information about any suspicion of violations, about offences, seized goods and evidence and about criminal proceedings: justified suspicion of violations, seized goods and evidence, offences and the resulting sanctions and additional tax claims under Article 12 of the Federal Act of 22 March 19742 on Administrative Criminal Law;
- i.
- information about administrative proceedings: data on administrative and tax-related judicial proceedings required for the issue of assessment notices and for the assessment of rights to tax refunds and applications for tax waivers;
- j.
- information about administrative and mutual assistance proceedings: requesting authority, date and subject matter of the application, persons concerned, outcome of the procedure and the nature of the measures.
1 Amended by No I of the O of 18 Oct. 2017, in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (AS 2017 6307). 2 SR 313.0