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Ordinance on Value Added Tax

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

Art. 63 Right to deduct notional input tax

(Art. 28a para. 1 and 2 VAT Act)

1Where ex­clus­ively in­di­vidu­al­is­able move­able goods are pur­chased for a total price, no­tion­al in­put tax may be de­duc­ted.1

2The de­duc­tion of no­tion­al in­put tax is not per­mit­ted if the total price cov­ers any col­lect­ors' items (Art. 48a) or non-in­di­vidu­al­is­able move­able goods and the share of the pur­chase price at­trib­ut­able to goods re­ferred to in Art­icle 28a VAT Act can­not be es­tim­ated.

3The de­duc­tion of no­tion­al in­put tax is not per­mit­ted where:

the no­ti­fic­a­tion pro­ced­ure un­der Art­icle 38 VAT Act was ap­plied on the pur­chase of the good;
the tax­able per­son im­por­ted the good;
goods un­der Art­icle 44 para­graph 1 let­ters a and b and para­graph 2 have been pur­chased;
the tax­able per­son knows or should have known that the good was im­por­ted ex­empt from the tax.

4 In the case of pay­ments made un­der the claim set­tle­ment, no­tion­al in­put tax may only be de­duc­ted based on the ac­tu­al value of the good at the time that it is taken over.

1 The cor­rec­tion of 30 Jan. 2018 only con­cerns the Itali­an text (AS 2018 521).