Ordinance on Value Added Tax

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 55 Food for takeaway or delivery

(Art. 25 para. 3 VAT Act)

1De­liv­ery is the sup­ply of food by the tax­able per­son to cus­tom­ers at their homes or to an­oth­er place des­ig­nated by them without fur­ther pre­par­a­tion or ser­vice.

2Takeaway food is food which the cus­tom­er takes after pur­chase to an­oth­er place and does not con­sume on the premises of the sup­pli­er. The fol­low­ing in par­tic­u­lar char­ac­ter­ise takeaway food:

the will ex­pressed by the cus­tom­er to take the food away;
the hand­ing over of the food in a spe­cial pack­age suit­able for trans­port;
the hand­ing over of food that is not suit­able for im­me­di­ate con­sump­tion.

3The FTA shall provide for sim­pli­fic­a­tions with­in the mean­ing of Art­icle 80 VAT Act for cer­tain sites and events.

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