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Ordinance on Value Added Tax

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

Art. 70 Determination of the fair value

(Art. 31 para. 3 VAT Act)

1The fair value must be cal­cu­lated on the basis of the ac­quis­i­tion cost, for real es­tate ex­clud­ing the value of the land and of value en­han­cing ex­pendit­ures. Not to be con­sidered are, however, the value main­ten­ance ex­pendit­ures. Value main­ten­ance ex­pendit­ures are those that serve only to main­tain the value of the good and its abil­ity to func­tion, in par­tic­u­lar ser­vice, main­ten­ance, op­er­at­ing and re­pair costs.

2In de­term­in­ing the fair value of goods and ser­vices put to use, in the first tax peri­od of use the loss in value must be con­sidered for the en­tire tax peri­od. In the last un­com­pleted tax peri­od, on the oth­er hand, no de­pre­ci­ation may be made un­less the change in use oc­curs on the last day of the tax peri­od.