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on Value Added Tax
(Value Added Tax Ordinance, VAT Ordinance)

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 27 November 2009 (Status as of 1 January 2022)

Art. 48a Works of art, antiques and other collectors’ items

(Art. 24a para. 4 VAT Act)

1 Works of art means the fol­low­ing phys­ic­al works by cre­at­ors as re­ferred to in Art­icle 21 para­graph 2 num­ber 16 VAT Act:

pictori­al works per­son­ally cre­ated by artists such as oil paint­ings, wa­ter col­ours, pas­tels, draw­ings, col­lages and the like; ex­emp­ted there­from are plans and draw­ings for ar­chi­tec­tur­al, en­gin­eer­ing, in­dus­tri­al, com­mer­cial, to­po­graph­ic­al or sim­il­ar pur­poses, hand-dec­or­ated man­u­fac­tured art­icles, the­at­ric­al scenery, stu­dio back cloths or the like of painted can­vas;
ori­gin­al en­grav­ings, prints and litho­graphs, be­ing im­pres­sions pro­duced in lim­ited num­bers dir­ectly in black and white or in col­our of one or more plates ex­ecuted en­tirely by hand by the artist, ir­re­spect­ive of the pro­cess or of the ma­ter­i­al em­ployed, but not in­clud­ing any mech­an­ic­al or pho­tomech­an­ic­al pro­cess;
seri­graphs that dis­play the fea­tures of an ori­gin­al in­di­vidu­ally cre­ated artist­ic work, have been pro­duced in lim­ited num­bers and have been ex­ecuted from re­pro­duc­tion forms com­pletely hand-made by the cre­at­or;
ori­gin­al sculp­tures and statu­ary, in any ma­ter­i­al, provided that they are ex­ecuted en­tirely by the artist; sculp­ture casts the pro­duc­tion of which is in lim­ited num­bers and su­per­vised by the artist or his suc­cessors in title;
tapestries and wall tex­tiles made by hand from ori­gin­al designs provided by artists, provided that the pro­duc­tion is in lim­ited num­bers;
in­di­vidu­al pieces of ceram­ics ex­ecuted en­tirely by the artist and signed by him or her;
enamels on cop­per, ex­ecuted en­tirely by hand, pro­duced in lim­ited num­bers and bear­ing the sig­na­ture of the artist or the stu­dio;
pho­to­graphs taken by the artist, prin­ted by him or her or un­der his or her su­per­vi­sion in lim­ited num­bers, signed and numbered;
works of art per­son­ally cre­ated by the artist in lim­ited num­bers that are not men­tioned in let­ters a–h.

2 An­tiques are move­able goods that are more than 100 years old.

3 Col­lect­ors’ items are in par­tic­u­lar also:

post­age stamps, rev­en­ue stamps, post­marks first day cov­ers, postal sta­tion­ery and the like, used, or if un­used not cur­rent and not in­ten­ded to be cur­rent;
zo­olo­gic­al, botan­ic­al, min­er­alo­gic­al or ana­tom­ic­al col­lect­ors’ items and col­lec­tions; col­lect­ors’ items of his­tor­ic, ar­chae­olo­gic­al, pa­lae­on­to­lo­gic­al, eth­no­lo­gic­al or nu­mis­mat­ic in­terest;
mo­tor vehicles first re­gistered on pur­chase more than 30 years pre­vi­ously;
wines and oth­er al­co­hol­ic bever­ages the vin­tage of which is dis­played and which may be in­di­vidu­al­ised by num­ber­ing or by oth­er means;
goods made of pre­cious met­al, clad with pre­cious met­al, gem­stones, pre­cious stones and the like, such as jew­ellery, watches and coins, that have a col­lect­or’s value.