on Value Added Tax
(Value Added Tax Ordinance, VAT Ordinance)

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 27 November 2009 (Status as of 1 January 2022)

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Art. 78 Submission to the net tax rate method on commencement of tax liability

(Art. 37 para. 1–4 VAT Act)

1 Per­sons newly entered in the Re­gister of Tax­able Per­sons (VAT Re­gister) who wish to sub­mit to the net tax rate meth­od must no­ti­fy the FTA in writ­ing with­in 60 days of no­ti­fic­a­tion of their VAT num­ber.

2 The FTA shall ap­prove the use of the net tax rate meth­od if in the first 12 months both the ex­pec­ted turnover and the ex­pec­ted taxes do not ex­ceed the thresholds in Art­icle 37 para­graph 1 VAT Act.

3 If no re­quest is made with­in the peri­od in para­graph 1, the tax­able per­son must re­port for at least three years us­ing the ef­fect­ive re­port­ing meth­od be­fore it may sub­mit to the net tax rate meth­od. An earli­er change of the re­port­ing meth­od is pos­sible at the time of any ad­just­ment to the net tax rate that is not due to a change in the rates of tax­a­tion un­der Art­icles 25 and 55 VAT Act.61

4 Para­graphs 1–3 also ap­ply to ret­ro­act­ive entries ana­log­ously.

5 The VAT chargeable on the stock of goods, the op­er­at­ing ma­ter­i­al and the fixed as­sets at the start of tax li­ab­il­ity is taken in­to ac­count in ap­ply­ing the net tax rate meth­od. No sub­sequent in­put tax de­duc­tion may be made.

61 Amended by No I of the O of 18 Oct. 2017, in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (AS 2017 6307).

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