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on Value Added Tax
(Value Added Tax Ordinance, VAT Ordinance)

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 27 November 2009 (Status as of 1 January 2022)

Art. 90 Special procedures

(Art. 37 para. 1–4 VAT Act)

1 The FTA shall make a pro­ced­ure for the ap­prox­im­ate com­pens­a­tion of the in­put taxes in­curred avail­able to tax­able per­sons re­port­ing us­ing the net tax rate meth­od for:

sup­plies of goods abroad, if the goods are self-man­u­fac­tured or pur­chased with VAT be­ing charged;
sup­plies to be­ne­fi­ciar­ies un­der Art­icle 2 of the Host State Act of 22 June 200770 (HSA), provided the place of sup­ply lies on Swiss ter­rit­ory and for sup­plies of goods that the goods are self-man­u­fac­tured or pur­chased with VAT be­ing charged.

2 Tax­able per­sons re­port­ing us­ing the net tax rate meth­od who pur­chase in­di­vidu­al­is­able move­able goods without openly trans­ferred tax may use the pro­ced­ure made avail­able by the FTA to com­pensate the no­tion­al in­put tax. The pro­ced­ure does not ap­ply to used auto­mo­biles with an over­all weight not ex­ceed­ing 3,500 kg or to goods:

that the tax­able per­son has ac­cep­ted un­der the no­ti­fic­a­tion pro­ced­ure from a per­son re­port­ing us­ing the ef­fect­ive meth­od;
that the tax­able per­son knows or should have known were im­por­ted ex­empt from the tax;
that the tax­able per­son ac­quired ex­empt from the tax on Swiss ter­rit­ory; or
that the tax­able per­son ac­cep­ted as part of a claim set­tle­ment, provided the pay­ments made ex­ceed the ac­tu­al value of the good at the time of ac­cept­ance.71

2bis The pro­ced­ure un­der para­graph 2 ap­plies in an ana­log­ous man­ner when col­lect­ors’ items (Art. 48a) are sold.72

3 For busi­nesses and events un­der Art­icle 55 para­graph 3, the FTA provides for a flat rate ar­range­ment for the ap­prox­im­ate di­vi­sion of the turnovers between the two net tax rates.

70 SR 192.12

71 Amended by No I of the O of 18 Oct. 2017, in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (AS 2017 6307).

72 In­ser­ted by No I of the O of 18 Oct. 2017, in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (AS 2017 6307).