Art. 126 Effective reporting method
(Art. 71 and 72 VAT Act) 1 When using the effective reporting method, the taxable person must for reporting to the FTA record the following figures in a suitable manner: - a.
- the total of all considerations subject to Swiss tax; this includes in particular the considerations for:
- 1.
- taxed supplies, classified by tax rates,
- 2.
- supplies that are taxed voluntarily under Article 22 VAT Act (Option),
- 3.
- supplies that are exempt from the tax under Article 23 VAT Act,
- 4.
- supplies to beneficiaries under Article 2 HSA100 that are exempt from the VAT under Article 143 of this Ordinance,
- 5.
- supplies for which the notification procedure under Article 38 VAT Act was used,
- 6.
- supplies that are exempt from tax without credit under Article 21 VAT Act;
- b.
- abatements of the consideration when reporting under agreed considerations, to the extent they are not taken into consideration in another field;
- c.
- the following, which do not fall within the scope of VAT:
- 1.
- considerations from supplies, whose place of supply lies abroad under Articles 7 and 8 VAT Act,
- 2.
- flows of funds not qualifying as considerations under Article 18 paragraph 2 let. a–c VAT Act,
- 3.
- other flows of funds not qualifying as considerations under Article 18 paragraph 2 let. d–l VAT Act;
- d.
- the total of the considerations for supplies subject to the acquisition tax, classified by tax rates;
- e.
- the total of all deductible input taxes before corrections and reductions under letter f, classified into:
- 1.
- input tax on cost of materials and services,
- 2.
- input tax on investments and other operating costs,
- 3.
- de-taxation;
- f.
- the amounts by which the input tax deduction must be corrected or reduced as a result of:
- 1.
- mixed use under Article 30 VAT Act,
- 2.
- own use under Article 31 VAT Act,
- 3.
- receipt of flows of funds that do not constitute considerations under Article 33 paragraph 2 VAT Act;
- g.
- the total of the import tax reported under the transfer procedure.
2 The FTA may consolidate several figures under paragraph 1 into one field of the reporting form or refrain from requiring them in the periodic reporting.