Art. 36 General provisions
1 The FIS may covertly gather information about events outside Switzerland. 2 Where the FIS procures information in Switzerland about events outside Switzerland, it is bound by the provisions of Section 4; Article 37 paragraph 2 remains reserved. 3 The FIS shall ensure that the risk in information gathering is not disproportionate to the expected benefit of information gathering and that interference with the fundamental rights of the persons concerned can be limited to what is necessary. 4 It shall document information gathering about events outside Switzerland for the attention of the supervision and control bodies. 5 It may store data separately from information gathering measures abroad that are comparable with information gathering measures requiring authorisation if this is required because of the volume of data, confidentiality or security. 6 FIS employees deployed abroad shall be insured during their mission under the Federal Act of 19 June 199222 on Military Insurance against Illness and Accident. 7 The FIS shall ensure the protection of its employees deployed abroad. |