Art. 58
1 The FIS shall store the data from information gathering measures requiring authorisation in accordance with Article 26 on a case-related basis and separately from the information systems listed in Article 47. 2 It shall ensure that personal data originating from information gathering measures requiring authorisation that is not related to the specific threat situation is not used and is destroyed at the latest 30 days after conclusion of the measure. 3 If the information gathering measure requiring authorisation relates to a person who belongs to any of professional groups mentioned in Articles 171–173 CrimPC27, data that is not related to the specific threat situation shall be separated and destroyed under the supervision28 of the Federal Administrative Court. If the information gathering measure requiring authorisation relates to another person, data about which a person has the right to refuse to testify in accordance with Articles 171–173 CrimPC must also be destroyed. 4 In specific cases and subject to compliance with Article 5 paragraphs 5–8, it may also store personal data in the information system provided for this purpose in accordance with Article 47 paragraph 1, provided it contains information required to fulfil tasks in accordance with Article 6 paragraph 1. 5 FIS employees that have the task of carrying out a information gathering measure and evaluating the results have online access to the relevant data. 6 The Federal Council shall regulate: