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Federal Act
on the Intelligence Service
(Intelligence Service Act, IntelSA)

Art. 77 Status of the independent supervisory authority

1 The in­de­pend­ent su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity shall carry out its tasks in­de­pend­ently; it is not bound by dir­ect­ives from oth­er au­thor­it­ies. It is as­signed to the DDPS for ad­min­is­trat­ive pur­poses.

2 It has its own budget. It ap­points its own staff.

3 It con­sti­tutes it­self. It shall reg­u­late its or­gan­isa­tion and its work­ing meth­ods in its own pro­ced­ur­al rules.

4 The em­ploy­ment con­tracts of the head and the staff of the in­de­pend­ent su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity are gov­erned by the Fed­er­al Per­son­nel Act of 24 March 200051. The head is not sub­ject to the as­sess­ment sys­tem in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 4 para­graph 3 of the Fed­er­al Per­son­nel Act.52

51 SR 172.220.1

52 The cor­rec­tion of the FA Draft­ing Com­mit­tee of 12 March 2020, pub­lished 24 March 2020, relates to the French text only (AS 2020 1057).