Federal Act
Art. 23n79
1 Any person who in accordance with the Nagoya Protocol utilises genetic resources or benefits directly from their utilisation (users) must apply due diligence appropriate to the circumstances to ensure that:
2 Genetic resources are not subject to the due diligence requirement if they:
3 The utilisation of genetic resources in terms of paragraph 1 means to conduct research and development on the genetic or biochemical composition of genetic resources, including through the application of biotechnology. 4 Access under paragraph 1 letter a is lawful, if, by virtue of the Nagoya Protocol, it is in accordance with the domestic access and benefit-sharing regulatory requirements of the Party to the Nagoya Protocol that provides the resource. 5 If the requirements of paragraph 1 letters a and b are not met, users must ensure that they are met subsequently, or must refrain from utilising the genetic resources concerned or from benefiting directly from their utilisation. In emergencies, the Federal Council may provide for a delay in meeting the requirements for genetic resources that are pathogenic or harmful organisms. 6 The Federal Council shall regulate what information on utilised genetic resources must be recorded and passed on to subsequent users. 79 See also: Art. 25d. |