Art. 345a
2. Special obligations of the employer 1 The employer must ensure that the vocational training is supervised by a specialist with the necessary professional skills and personal qualities. 2 He must without deducting any salary allow the apprentice the time required to attend technical college and take interdisciplinary courses and to sit the vocational examinations on completion of the apprenticeship. 3 While the apprentice is still under the age of 20, the employer must grant him a holiday entitlement of at least five weeks per year of apprenticeship. 4 He may allocate work outside the relevant vocational field and piece work to the apprentice only insofar as such work is related to the vocation in which the apprentice is being instructed and the training is not thereby impaired. BGE
132 III 753 () from 7. September 2006
Regeste: Lehrvertrag (Art. 344 ff. OR) und Unterrichtsvertrag. Abgrenzung zwischen Lehrvertrag und Unterrichtsvertrag (E. 2.1 und 2.2). Lohnanspruch bei Vorliegen eines faktischen Lehrvertrages (E. 2.3 und 2.4). |