Art. 322c
b. Statement 1 Where the terms of the contract do not require the employee to draw up a statement of commission due to him, on each date on which commission falls due, the employer must provide him with a written statement including a breakdown of the transactions on which it is payable. 2 The employer must furnish all the necessary information to the employee or, in his stead, to an expert designated by both employer and employee or appointed by the court, and must grant the employee or the expert such access to the books of account or supporting documents as is required for verification of the commission statement. BGE
137 V 463 (9C_540/2010) from 28. November 2011
Regeste: a Art. 333 Abs. 1 OR; Übergang des Arbeitsverhältnisses mit allen Rechten und Pflichten im Rahmen einer Betriebsübertragung; unterobligatorische Vorsorge. Wenn der Arbeitsvertrag ausdrücklich eine der unterobligatorischen beruflichen Vorsorge zugehörige Versicherungsdeckung vorsieht, so muss der neue Arbeitgeber diese Vorsorge aufrechterhalten und zu den gleichen Bedingungen weiterführen (E. 4.3). |