Art. 329e133
3. Leave for extracurricular youth work 1 During each year of service the employer must grant employees under the age of 30 leave of up to one working week for the purpose of carrying out unpaid leadership, care or advisory activities in connection with extracurricular youth work for cultural or social organisations and for related initial and ongoing training. 2 The employee has no salary entitlement during such leave for youth work. An individual agreement, standard employment contract or collective employment contract may provide otherwise to the employee’s benefit. 3 The employer and employee should agree on the timing and duration of leave for youth work, having due regard for each other’s interests. Where they cannot reach agreement, such leave must be granted on condition that the employee gives two months’ advance notice of his intention to exercise his right. Any leave for youth work not taken by the end of the calendar year is forfeited. 4 At the employer’s request, the employee must furnish proof of the activities and functions he has carried out in relation to youth work. 133Inserted by Art. 13 of the FA of 6 Oct. 1989 on Youth Work, in force since 1 Jan. 1991 (AS 1990 2007; BBl 1988 I 825). BGE
137 V 121 (8C_713/2010) from 23. März 2011
Regeste: Art. 13 Abs. 1 FamZG; Art. 10 FamZV. Rz. 519.1 der Wegleitung zum Bundesgesetz über die Familienzulagen FamZG (FamZWL) geht über die Gesetzes- und Verordnungsbestimmung hinaus; dem darin festgehaltenen Anspruch auf Familienzulagen während eines nicht spezifisch begründeten unbezahlten Urlaubs fehlt es somit an einer gesetzlichen Grundlage (E. 5). |