Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 30 March 1911 (Status as of 1 January 2022)

Art. 688

III. In­ter­im cer­ti­fic­ates


1 In­ter­im cer­ti­fic­ates made out to the bear­er may be is­sued only for bear­er shares whose the nom­in­al value is fully paid up. In­ter­im cer­ti­fic­ates made out to the bear­er is­sued be­fore the full nom­in­al value is paid up are void. Claims for dam­ages are re­served.

2 Where in­ter­im cer­ti­fic­ates made out to the named hold­er are is­sued for bear­er shares, they may be trans­ferred only in ac­cord­ance with the pro­vi­sions gov­ern­ing as­sign­ment of claims, al­though their trans­fer does not take ef­fect as against the com­pany un­til it re­ceives no­tice there­of.

3 In­ter­im cer­ti­fic­ates for re­gistered shares must be made out to a named hold­er. The trans­fer of such in­ter­im cer­ti­fic­ates is sub­ject to the pro­vi­sions gov­ern­ing the trans­fer of re­gistered shares.


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