1 A resolution of the members’ general meeting passed by a majority of at least two thirds of the votes represented and an absolute majority of the entire nominal capital in respect of which a right to vote may be exercised is required in the case of:
- 1.
- the amendment of the objects of the company;
- 2.
- the introduction of capital contributions with preferential voting rights;
- 3.
- an increase in or easing of the restrictions on or the prohibition of the transferability of capital contributions;
- 4.
- consent to the assignment of capital contributions or recognition as a company member who is entitled to vote;
- 5.
- an increase in the nominal capital;
- 6.
- the restriction or revocation of subscription rights;
- 7.
- consent to activities of the managing director or company members that are contrary to the duty of loyalty or the prohibition of competition;
- 8.
- an application to the court to exclude a company member for good cause;
- 9.
- the exclusion of a company member on the grounds specified in the articles of association planned;
- 10.
- the relocation of the seat of the company;
- 11.
- the dissolution the company.
2 Provisions of the articles of association stipulating larger majorities than those required by law for certain resolutions may only be introduced if approved by the planned majority.