Art. 960b
2. Assets with observable market prices 1 In the subsequent valuation, assets with a stock exchange price or another observable market price in an active market may be valued at that price as of the balance sheet date, even if this price exceeds the nominal value or the acquisition value. Any person who exercises this right must value all assets in corresponding positions on the balance sheet that have an observable market price at the market price as of the balance sheet date. In the notes to the accounts, reference must be made to this valuation. The total value of the corresponding assets must be disclosed separately for securities and other assets with observable market price. 2 If assets are valued at the stock exchange price or at the market price as of the balance sheet date, a value adjustment to be charged to the profit and loss account may be made in order to take account of fluctuations in the price development. Such valuation adjustments are not permitted, however, if they would result in both the acquisition value and the lower market value being undercut. The total amount of fluctuation reserves must be shown separately on the balance sheet or in the notes to the accounts. |