Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

of 30 March 1911 (Status as of 1 January 2023)

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Art. 730

V. Com­mon pro­vi­sions

1. Ap­point­ment of the ex­tern­al aud­it­or


1 The gen­er­al meet­ing shall ap­point the ex­tern­al aud­it­or.

2 One or more nat­ur­al per­sons or leg­al en­tit­ies or part­ner­ships may be ap­poin­ted.

3 Pub­lic audit of­fices or their em­ploy­ees may also be ap­poin­ted as ex­tern­al aud­it­or provided they meet the re­quire­ments of this Code. The pro­vi­sions on in­de­pend­ence ap­ply mu­tatis mutandis.

4 At least one mem­ber of the ex­tern­al aud­it­or must be res­id­ent in Switzer­land, or have its re­gistered of­fice or a re­gistered branch of­fice in Switzer­land.


138 III 294 (4A_412/2011) from 4. Mai 2012
Regeste: Gerichtliches Organisationsmängelverfahren nach Art. 731b OR. Grundsätze des Organisationsmängelverfahrens (E. 3.1.2-3.1.4); fehlende Revisionsstelle als Organisationsmangel (E. 3.1.1 und 3.2); Pattsituation (E. 3.1.5); Verhältnis von Art. 731b OR zur Auflösungsklage nach Art. 736 Ziff. 4 OR (E. 3.1.6); Anwendung im konkreten Fall (E. 3.3).


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