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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

of 30 March 1911 (Status as of 9 February 2023)

Art. 229

D. Auc­tions

I. Con­clu­sion of the pur­chase


1 At a com­puls­ory auc­tion, a con­tract of sale is con­cluded when the of­fi­cial auc­tion­eer knocks the ob­ject down to the highest bid­der.

2 In the case of a vol­un­tary auc­tion that has been pub­licly an­nounced and is open to all bid­ders, a con­tract of sale is con­cluded when the seller ac­cepts the bid of the highest bid­der.

3 Un­less the seller has ex­pressed some oth­er in­ten­tion, the auc­tion­eer is deemed to have the au­thor­ity to knock the ob­ject down to the highest bid­der.