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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

of 30 March 1911 (Status as of 9 February 2023)

Art. 257h

V. Duty of tol­er­ance


1 The ten­ant or less­ee must tol­er­ate works in­ten­ded to rem­edy de­fects in the ob­ject or to re­pair or pre­vent dam­age.

2 The ten­ant or less­ee must per­mit the land­lord or lessor to in­spect the ob­ject to the ex­tent re­quired for main­ten­ance, sale or fu­ture leas­ing.

3 The land­lord or lessor must in­form the ten­ant or less­ee of works and in­spec­tions in good time and take all due ac­count of the lat­ter’s in­terests when they are car­ried out; all claims of the ten­ant or less­ee for re­duc­tion of the rent (Art. 259d) and for dam­ages (Art. 259e) are re­served.