Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

of 30 March 1911 (Status as of 9 February 2023)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 296

II. No­tice of ter­min­a­tion and ter­min­a­tion dates


1 The parties may ter­min­ate an open-ended usu­fructu­ary lease by giv­ing six months’ no­tice ex­pir­ing on any date of their choos­ing un­less oth­er­wise stip­u­lated by agree­ment or loc­al cus­tom and un­less the nature of the leased ob­ject im­plies that the parties in­ten­ded oth­er­wise.

2 The parties may ter­min­ate an open-ended usu­fructu­ary lease of res­id­en­tial or com­mer­cial premises by giv­ing at least six months’ no­tice ex­pir­ing on a date fixed by loc­al cus­tom or, ab­sent in the ab­sence of such cus­tom, at the end of a three-month lease peri­od. The parties may agree a longer no­tice peri­od or an­oth­er ter­min­a­tion date.

3 Where the pre­scribed no­tice peri­od or ter­min­a­tion date is not ob­served, ter­min­a­tion will be ef­fect­ive as of the next ter­min­a­tion date.


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