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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

of 30 March 1911 (Status as of 9 February 2023)

Art. 349b

b. Com­mis­sion


1 Where an area or cli­en­tele is al­loc­ated ex­clus­ively to a com­mer­cial trav­el­ler, the agreed or cus­tom­ary com­mis­sion is pay­able to him on all trans­ac­tions con­cluded by him or his em­ploy­er with­in such area or cli­en­tele.

2 If a par­tic­u­lar area or cli­en­tele has not been al­loc­ated ex­clus­ively to him, the com­mer­cial trav­el­ler is en­titled to com­mis­sion only on trans­ac­tions that he per­son­ally brokered or con­cluded.

3 Where it is not yet pos­sible to cal­cu­late the pre­cise value of a trans­ac­tion when the com­mis­sion falls due, the ini­tial com­mis­sion pay­able is based on the min­im­um value cal­cu­lated by the em­ploy­er, with the bal­ance fall­ing due at the latest when the trans­ac­tion is ex­ecuted.