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Federal Act on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code (Part Five: The Code of Obligations)
of 30 March 1911 (Status as of 9 February 2023)
Art. 357b
3. Joint enforcement
1 A collective employment contract concluded between associations may stipulate that each contracting party has an actionable claim against the other parties in the event that they fail to discharge their duty to ensure that the participating employers and employees abide by the contract as regards the following matters:
the formation, nature and termination of employment relationships, in respect of which the claim is for a declaratory judgment only;
the payment of contributions to equalisation funds or other institutions in connection with the employment relationship, the representation of employees within businesses and the maintenance of harmonious industrial relations;
monitoring activities, the provision of security and contractual penalties in relation to the provisions set out in letters a and b.
2 Clauses within the meaning of the previous paragraph may be agreed where the contracting parties are expressly authorised so to do by their articles of association or resolution passed by their governing body.
3 Unless otherwise stipulated in the collective employment contract, the provisions governing simple partnerships apply mutatis mutandis to relations between the contracting parties.