Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

of 30 March 1911 (Status as of 9 February 2023)

Art. 365

2. Re­gard­ing ma­ter­i­als


1 Where the con­tract­or is re­spons­ible for sup­ply­ing the ma­ter­i­als, he is li­able to the cus­tom­er for their qual­ity and has the same war­ranty ob­lig­a­tion as a seller.

2 Where ma­ter­i­als are sup­plied by the cus­tom­er, the con­tract­or must treat them with all due care, give ac­count of how they are used and re­turn any that re­main un­used to the cus­tom­er.

3 If, when pro­du­cing the work, the con­tract­or notes de­fects in the ma­ter­i­als sup­plied or in the des­ig­nated con­struc­tion site or if any oth­er cir­cum­stance arises which might com­prom­ise the cor­rect or timely pro­duc­tion of the work, he must in­form the cus­tom­er im­me­di­ately, fail­ing which he shall him­self be li­able for any ad­verse con­sequences.


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