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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

of 30 March 1911 (Status as of 9 February 2023)

Art. 86

2. In the case of mul­tiple debts

a. At the dis­cre­tion of debt­or or cred­it­or


1 A debt­or with sev­er­al debts to the same cred­it­or is en­titled to state at the time of pay­ment which debt he means to re­deem.

2 In the ab­sence of any state­ment from the debt­or, the pay­ment will be al­loc­ated to the debt in­dic­ated by the cred­it­or in his re­ceipt, un­less the debt­or ob­jects im­me­di­ately.