Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

of 30 March 1911 (Status as of 9 February 2023)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 873

e. Pro­ced­ure in in­solv­ency


1 In the event of the in­solv­ency of a co­oper­at­ive in which the mem­bers are per­son­ally li­able or li­able to make ad­di­tion­al con­tri­bu­tions, at the same time as they draw up the sched­ule of claims the in­solv­ency ad­min­is­trat­ors must de­term­ine and call in the pro­vi­sion­al per­son­al li­ab­il­ity of each in­di­vidu­al mem­ber or the ad­di­tion­al con­tri­bu­tions they must make.

2 Ir­re­cov­er­able amounts must be spread equally among the oth­er mem­bers, and sur­pluses re­paid once the fi­nal dis­tri­bu­tion plan has been for­mu­lated. The mem­bers’ right of re­course against each oth­er is re­served.

3 The pro­vi­sion­al de­term­in­a­tion of mem­bers’ ob­lig­a­tions and the dis­tri­bu­tion plan are sub­ject to chal­lenge by ap­peal on pro­ced­ur­al grounds pur­su­ant to the Debt En­force­ment and Bank­ruptcy Act of 11 April 1889717.

4 The pro­ced­ure is de­term­ined by Fed­er­al Coun­cil or­din­ance.718

717SR 281.1

718 Amended by No II 10 of the FA of 20 March 2008 on the Form­al Re­vi­sion of Fed­er­al Le­gis­la­tion, in force since 1 Aug. 2008 (AS 2008 34373452; BBl 2007 6121).


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