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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 150

B. Joint and sev­er­al cred­it­ors


1 Mul­tiple cred­it­ors be­come joint and sev­er­al cred­it­ors where the debt­or states that he wishes to grant each of them the right to re­ceive full per­form­ance of the debt and in the cases pre­scribed by law.

2 Per­form­ance made to one joint and sev­er­al cred­it­or dis­charges the debt­or as against all of them.

3 The debt­or may choose which joint and sev­er­al cred­it­or he makes the pay­ment to, provided none of them has ini­ti­ated leg­al pro­ceed­ings against him.