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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 177

2. Lapse of of­fer


1 The cred­it­or may de­clare his ac­cept­ance at any time, but the debt ac­quirer and the former debt­or may set the cred­it­or a time lim­it for ac­cept­ance and where this ex­pires without com­mu­nic­a­tion from the cred­it­or, he is deemed to have re­fused the of­fer.

2 If the cred­it­or agrees some oth­er debt as­sump­tion ar­range­ment be­fore the of­fer has been ac­cep­ted and the new pro­spect­ive debt ac­quirer has also made an of­fer to the cred­it­or, the party that made the pre­vi­ous of­fer is no longer bound thereby.