Art. 202
b. In livestock trading 1 Where in a sale of livestock a written assurance includes no time limit and does not warrant that an animal is pregnant, the seller is not liable to the buyer unless a defect is discovered and notified within nine days of delivery or of the notice of default in taking delivery and an application is made to the competent authority within the same time limit to have the animal examined by experts. 2 The court evaluates the experts’ report at its discretion. 3 In other respects the procedure is governed by regulations enacted by the Federal Council. BGE
97 I 100 () from 12. Mai 1971
Regeste: Kantonales Prozessrecht, Rechtsmittelfristen, Treu und Glauben. Ist die gesetzliche Ordnung der Rechtsmittelfristen unklar oder zweideutig, so verstösst es gegen Treu und Glauben und damit gegen Art. 4 BV, sie anders auszulegen, als sie vom Rechtsuchenden in guten Treuen verstanden werden. |