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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 213

III. Time when price falls due, in­terest


1 The price falls due as soon as the prop­erty passes in­to the buy­er’s pos­ses­sion, un­less some oth­er junc­ture is agreed.

2 Re­gard­less of the pro­vi­sion gov­ern­ing de­fault on ex­piry of a spe­cified time lim­it, in­terest ac­crues on the sale price even if no re­mind­er is is­sued where such prac­tice is cus­tom­ary or the buy­er may de­rive fruits or oth­er be­ne­fits from the pur­chased ob­ject.